I’m NEVER buying a gerbal

Some things make me randomly laugh till I cry.  For some reason last night, as I lay my head to sleep, I started to giggle about something that happened to my friend when he was in highschool (like I said – it was random) This is the story of Mike S. and his gerbal (with a little exaggerating on my part).

Mike owned a gerbal.  It was his prized pet that he cared for everyday and felt like they were best of buddies.  His cage was kept clean, his water was always full and the shavings on the floor were the best money could buy.  The life his gerbal lived was one of a king, so Mike thought. 

One regular day, much to Mikes’  horror, as he headed to the basement to feed his beloved gerbal he came upon an empty cage where no gerbal could be found.   It turns out that his beloved gerbal decided to break free from the basement and make and attempt to explore the outside world.   Yes, it got out and vanished. 

The gerbal became a distant memory for Mike.  Days went by and then months.  Summer turned into fall and then fall to winter.   “I wonder where my gerbal is now” thought Mike.  “I wonder if he’s hungry?” 

One day as Mike was watching T.V. in the basement he heard a “scratching” sound coming out of the wall.  At first he thought nothing of it until it happened again and again.  Armed with a mouse trap and a hockey stick he went searching for the critter who dared to invade his personal space.  After taking off the baseboard and banging the wall to see what he could see … out comes his beloved GERBAL; Super-sized! 

It was his old gerbal alright, but it grew to the size of a cat.   It turns out that his beloved gerbal had not run away from his house but ran away inside his house.  For MONTHS  the gerbal had crawled inside the walls of the basement and ate anything he could eat and find … which turned out to be ALOT.  Now mike had his gerbal back … but it couldn’t get in the door of the cage. 

Now everytime I see a gerbal or hear anyone talk about gerbals … I think about my friend mike and the gerbal who ran away. 

* The only true part of this story is that his gerbal ran away and he found him months later in the walls of the basement.  I exaggerated his love for the gerbal and I have no idea how he found him – I made that part up. 

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